List do Ambasada USA w Warszawie Aleje Ujazdowskie 29/31 00-540 Warsaw Poland

Do Ambasada USA w Warszawie Aleje Ujazdowskie 29/31 00-540 Warsaw Poland 
Sz. Pan Amb. Mark Brzeziński 

Concerning the words spoken by the US President to his soldiers today or yesterday in Poland. He spoke on democracy and oligarchy. Does he know the difference?

Od: Adam Fularz <adam na>
Data: sobota, 26 marca 2022
Subject: Open Letter 

My name is Adam and I run some small media.  I write now from Bad Flinsberg, a spa resort in the Iserian Mountains in Lower Silesia. Some 2 hours ago I finished snowboarding. 

 I wanted to say that there is a lot of antiamerican sentiment in this part of Europe and I hear lots of such voices.Working in the media I am displeased with the US censorship because we have to use paper post to send documents. The system of media control that I see at work in the Gafam media compound is roughly the same we had in the times of communist propaganda 3 decades ago. 

Our pro-American politicians during their tenure destroyed much of our public transport network so that people had to ride cars instead of taking a train. In effect the train goes 20 miles per hour on the mainline from my town to the Iserian Mountains and most of the train track in rural areas was demolished. The economic system after two decades of increased americanisation is a shadow of its former glory. Small and medium sized businesses collapsed and only large ones remained. 

Most our cities are now uglier -these cities have been destroyed by excessive mass motorisation. Tens of thousands of local inhabitants were killed by passenger cars - cars that were nearly absent when I was young.  Few hundred thousands were killed by pandemic and US- made vaccines that killed my uncle and my aunt. People comment that the US company Modera stood behind the pandemic of the virus which appeared here in my town in November 2019- source

We had measles pandemic and swine flu pandemic with deeply frozen corpses of sick animals being dropped from the sky. My friends hint to US biolabs in Eastern Europe - they said the swine flu appeared after the US takeover of biolabs in Georgia, Europe.

People comment on the despotic censorship in US-made social media. I think that we had such despotism before the US came to our country as an ally.  

I do not like such yoke and I stopped using large parts of Internet like the US owned social media. I do not like if there is censorship and I do not read such media.

You from the US -you are not democratic any longer- and I am afraid that what You now sell around the world is the New World Order which is a totalitarian system of rule. 

Today Your head of state visited my country and he spoke words to his soldiers that might not be understood well in my country. Oligarchy -is it not the system of the rule of few? Should we believe that USA is democratic and it is not- an oligarchy? Do You understood the term "democratic"?  Aristotle said that it is a system of rule by allotment.

Democracy arose from the idea that those who are equal in any respect are equal absolutely. All are alike free, therefore they claim that all are free absolutely... The next is when the democrats, on the grounds that they are all equal, claim equal participation in everything.[6]

It is accepted as democratic when public offices are allocated by lot; and as oligarchic when they are filled by election.[7]

Adam Fularz.
Post scriptum.  
I write from the tiny spa of Bad Flinsberg - the city of the pagan deity Flins who revived the souls of the dead, now renamed Świeradów in honour of a Catholic activist. My phone 604443623
Addres: Dol.Ziel.24a Ziel. Góra

Merkuriusz Polski
Polish News Agency

Merkuriusz Polski
Polish News Agency

